The mg.acl.tree_token application

Requires The mg.orga.tree application.

Token-based authentication

Token-based authentication is when users want a lightwheight authentication system. Users don’t identify themselves with a login+password scheme, but only know a resource name. This name is the token and can match the contained data, with a little obfuscation. Example: OurTripToVegas.

In a real-world scenario, with your own photos, chances someone will bruteforce the token-based system to retrieve you pictures is quite small. Anyway, use it only if you want to :).

Django models

digraph tree {
element [shape = "box", label="Element\nmg.core.element"];
user [shape = "box", label="User\ndjango.contrib.auth"];
token [shape = "box", label="Token"];

token -> element;
token -> user [labe = "owner"];

The Token model is the core datatype for a Token-based authentication.


mg.acl.tree_token.views provides a generic view usable for browsing in a tree protected by tokens.

mg.acl.tree_token.views.token_path(request, pk_list)
  • request – A django request object
  • pk_list (str) – A string containing a list of element primary keys, separated by slashes (/), with a trailing slash. Example: 23/41/11/. This is the current path from token’s root.

This view is a frontend to the mg.orga.tree.views.path(), checking the token exists and setting the correct root.

The following additional variables are passed to the template:

The current Token object.


If there is no valid token currently set in the session, this view issues a redirect to the token_open() view.

  • request – A django request object

This view uses the token/token_form.html template to display a login-like form expecting a token.

When a correct token is entered, a session variable is set pointing to the token, and used is redirected to the token_path() view.

  • request – A django request object

This view deletes the token information from the session and redirects to the token_open() view.


If tree/token organization is used, your root should include the mg.acl.tree_token.urls. It must not contain the mg.orga.tree.urls, as they would give direct access to the media with no token checking. Example usage:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *

urlpatterns = patterns(

    # Include photo and video for prefered_size handling
    url(r'^photo/', include('')),
    url(r'^video/', include('')),

    # Token will do the rest.
    url(r'^token/', include("mg.acl.tree_token.urls")),

) + patterns(

    # Redirection for incoming visitors
    url(r'^$', 'redirect_to', {'url': '/token/'}),